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Zero Calibration

Discussion in '3rd Gen 4Runners (1996-2002)' started by Knight, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. Jul 12, 2020 at 2:26 PM

    Knight [OP] New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
    2001 toyota 4runner
    Hi. I need to do Zero Calibration on my 2001 for passing the emission test. (VSC and engine check light on) But I dont know which port on the DLS connector is TS or CG(probably #4). It has only #4,5,7,15 and 16. Does anybody know about it?
  2. Jul 13, 2020 at 8:42 AM

    negusm New Member

    Oct 22, 2019
    2002 4Runner SR5 4WD
    When your Check engine light comes on...those two other lights usually come on too. This is to tell you that the computer detected a fault in the system and that it is tangentially related to the VSC/TRAC. It does not mean you have a fault in the VSC/TRAC system.

    And they almost ALWAYS come on with the Check Engine Light. Forexample...my after-cat O2 sensor tripped the Check Engine light...and the VSC/TRAC came on too.

    What codes are you getting?

    You can google the zero calibration. I have seen it described on other forums. I haven't done it. Rarely does it need to be done.
  3. Jul 13, 2020 at 5:27 PM

    Knight [OP] New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
    2001 toyota 4runner
    4Runner-2002-OBDII- DLC3-port-20161122_124035.jpg I did google other forums. But all of them described about 2002 or newer. Those descriptions dont match 2001 or older. Because the connector has only #4,5,7,15 and 16. #4 and 5 are ground. #7 K-line
    #15 L-line. #16 Battery 12V. Usually people connect CG(ground) and TS.
    I dont know which # I have to connect.

    If you know , please give me an idea.
  4. Jul 14, 2020 at 9:22 AM

    negusm New Member

    Oct 22, 2019
    2002 4Runner SR5 4WD
    2001 and 2002 4Runners are nearly identical cars...I'd be surprised if the OBDII was pinned differently...but maybe? Lots of changes from 1999 and 2003 is a whole redesign.

    Don't you have to use the connector in the engine bay? And not the one under the dash?

    I'm curious as to why do you think you need this calibration? What codes were you getting? I've seen people do this for fixing issues with lift kits.

    If you get it figured out...let us know.
  5. Jul 14, 2020 at 9:24 AM

    negusm New Member

    Oct 22, 2019
    2002 4Runner SR5 4WD

    After putting on a lift (body or springs) allot of 4Runner owners notice the VSC will cut power when not needed causing saftey issues or just pure annoyance. The solution to this is to recalibrate the yaw rate sensor on the VSC system.

    Recalibration is simple to perform and all you need is a level surface and a 4 inch long wire stripped at both ends.

    To reset the VSC have the vehicle parked on a level surface both front and back and side to side (this is very important).

    After that roll the window and turn on the ignition but don't start the engine. With the ignition on open the diagnostic port on the driver side of the engine.


    Now take the piece of wire and short the two pins ( E1 and TS) 4 time or more with in a 8 second period. After doing this quickly look in the window to see if the VSC light came on again, it should be on for several seconds and then go out. (Note don't have someone sitting in the vehicle looking for the light it will make the vehicle unlevel ).

    After this REACH IN THE WINDOW and turn off the ignition. Then wait a few seconds and REACH IN THE WINDOW again and turn on the ignition and wait for the VSC TRAC light to go out.

    After this the VSC yaw sensor has been recalibrated and the issues of the VSC system de-throttling when un necessary should be eliminated.

    NOTE even if you don't have a lift on your 4runner this should be done time to time to compensate for spring sag which also brings the VSC system out of calibration.

    Also you can do a test of the VSC system put shorting the above pins and turning on the ignition. The VSC TRAC light will come on then start to flash rapidly at .013 sec intervals. This flashing means the VSC system is working properly and has no error codes stored.

    Also I made a PDF of this post for easy print or archival for later use (keep a copy in the glove box) http://www.fogwireless.com/HAM/vsc.pdf

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