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DDM LED Highbeam/DTRL Bulb Review

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by PVT Pablo, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. Aug 15, 2017 at 4:21 PM
    PVT Pablo

    PVT Pablo [OP]

    Mar 10, 2016
    First Name:
    Kitsap County, WA
    2016 4Runner TRD Pro
    Just installed (and subsequently uninstalled) a set of DDM Saber 40w LED bulbs for the 9005 Highbeam/DTRL application ($85 on Amazon). Review Below, but pictures first.


    As you can see they cast a great white light rather than the lame yellow day time running lights. Unfortunately that's where the awesomeness ends. For the DTRL they are waaay too bright. I'm sure that other drivers would hate me. As high beams they seem bright as well but I didn't test them at night on the road as I wasn't going to run these at all after seeing the DTRL's. Also strangely there is the slightest bit of very rapid flicker. Its not detectable while looking at the lights, but you can see the smallest amount of flicker looking at the reflection of the light on light surfaces. I tried taking a picture of it but my phone camera couldn't detect it. Again the flicker is so slight I wouldn't even call it an issue.

    All in all, I really wanted to like these, but the insane brightness of the DTRL killed it. If DDM could turn down the DTRL intensity, I could live with the flicker.

    I'll be ordering the VLED's version ($200) and see how those turn out.
    jester243 likes this.

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